I'm a people who easy to get happy...
Just a small card, that's a good reason to make me happy...
May be some people think that's a just a paper...
but for me that's my precious card...
A create little boy and girl who i love the most...
Thanks for my lovely nephew and my cutie niece:)
Love you as long as i live:)
It's so sweet of them. Though it isnt a master piece or very expensive, it contains all their effort and love for you.
wah... they're so sweet!!!!!!!
i'm sure you're super happy, coz you love them so much too!!
yeah! they are very cute and sweet:)
lee chien,
yeah! i proud of them and they alway give me fun and bring me happiness... everytime i feel stress but when i meet them i will feel happy...
kids drawing are very nice, it give me a special feeling.
I like to watch kids drawing, especially my mum bring her student drawing back home
haha... they are very cute n bring me alot of happiness:) ur mom is a teacher? no wonder u r so smart ya... haha...
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