When the sofa just ain't cutting it, get out and get involved! I'm sitting on my bed while listening to music. Moody, moody and moody during my day off, nothing to do! Just want to make some fun and call out all my friend to join her concert together! Who is she? A very cute cosmopolitan 25-year-old, born in Malaysia and work in Ireland. As well as being a lousy blogger and singer, she designs her own artwork and write her own life on blog. She always make fun and entertain herself when she is on day off and always be alone. Will you come and join? Check out her album XXX is out now. Check out the location of concert at XXX. Date you all on time.
not bad wor, hehehe..
let's go... haha...
hahaha.. send me ticket...
haha... tat's free... pls come to me...
Hey hey you you!! I wanna join your concert. let's let's goOoo....Welcome to VeRinE SupEr RoCk ConcERt!Hah..
ankie, haha... u r really my supporter ya... join me in rock... u r the VIP. hahaha...
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