Fancy a drink of Guinness? Yes i do. But I've never tried the Guinness when i was in Malaysia because I knew that's damn bitter. After I'd been Ireland I really fancy the Guinness so much. Guinness is the trade mark of Ireland. People who come and visit Ireland i think they never miss the chance to try a pint of Guinness once before they leave. Last month my friend Ginn visited me. Sure i will not forget to treat him a pint. We were making the long and dull train journey from Tipp to Dublin. We visited one of the famous bar (Temple Bar) in Dublin. It was my 1st time been the bar after one year in Ireland. Shy... haha... Guinness is the famous beer in Ireland, what about Baby Guinness? Had you heard of this? Have you ever tried it before? That day I also treated Ginn a tiny shot of Baby Guinness. Let's see what was his responded after a shot...

Haha... Ginn said it's nice! I can mix the Baby Guinness... Who want to try a shot?
we were at red Temple Bar
Another part of Temple bar
wah, so cute the baby guinness.. you can mix it? sure i wanna try!!! i don't drink guinness also, hahahaha, but i'm willing to try :]
ya... i din drink Guinness when i was in malaysia... but aft i taste the Guinness in ireland, i can tell u, i alw want to have one pint. It's really nice!! not bitter at all...
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