As i write this, I'm just moment away from the drama of Jay Chou. He is a very talented musician. What do you do when it doesn't work out with the heart-throb songwriter? Someone who i love, adore and can give me an impulse to brighten up of my future, even what I'm doing, how i look like, he would not know and he will never bother me. The truth is, I'm 100% sure i could not meet and talk to him in my life. Still i have a ray of hope to see him in future... because...that's a secret... haha...:)

I customized the CD album for Paulina as a birthday present while i hope can expose Jay in Poland, because Paulina was in a band in Poland before she came to Ireland, she likes rock music, I'm happy Paulina is really enjoy his song and she said his concert is very grand and hot enough, even she could not understand what is he singing, but as a music, she enjoyed:)
girl, you really insane weih.. hehehe..
lee chien,
haha... im not insane lah... just wish can do it... haha... if u r not coming, i'll be insana thn...
i think i'm gonna insane also if i failed to go.. :(
i'm actually very worry, especially my financial status..
lee chien,
what u mean by financial problem? ticket money mah? or the 30k FD? lee chien, i also worry lah... i want to make a decision...
i mean i needa prove my strong financial to them, but i scare my financial is not strong enough..
lee chien,
i know u can get it geh... trust urself. settle it early rather thn waiting here and worry everyday...
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