I've ever joined the gym, swimming, yoga and sauna in Malaysia and i given up when i felt bored and lazy. I'm the kind of people who a chilled-out workout, try something sweat-free, like swimming, sauna, gym or yoga. But in Ireland, I've never do... until i find out a fitness center in the town, so i decided to go for gym or sauna at least once a week since last month, but I'm a lazy girl, so...
ai... Few days ago,
Pualina dated me to go to sauna today. Unlucky that was heavy raining when i was heading to fitness center.
Pualina is living quite far away from town, she was wet like chicken after 5 minutes walked out from her house, in Chinese has a sentence called (chicken into the soup), because the rain in Ireland it's no notice before when it's going to rain, so she didn't bring umbrella out and it was sunny 5 minutes ago. In the end, Paulina stay at home alone and me alone at the sauna land, anyway
I'm gusty to be alone. I enjoy spending time alone sometime (comfort myself)!
Pualina, don be upset, we may date another sunny day.

ishhh... i thought there will be more and more photos when i scroll down.
In the end just 3 "limited" photos only.. hahaha.. lolz! =P
so enjoy......
hai. ginn...i've taken plenty of pic, but too sexy, so i'm not gusty to post it up, scare u cant tahan! bleeding later!
lee chien, ya next time i bring me, just 5 minutes walk to the sauna, there have swimming pool and gym also.
Dear feel like after rainning heavy whole body WET ler?
but still look like sexy baby la..hehe!
haha...ko, u joke me... sexy baby! haha... m i? haha... boring alone in the sauna room! haha... next time we go together and we take pic together, we can become sexy twins!...:)
you promised me!!! hahahaa...
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