What better way to enjoy the sushi than relaxing with your friends. Would you enjoy having the sushi like that? There's a range of different styles to enjoy the sushi. I don know where is it, i hope i can be there once. I think guys will more enjoy loh... why don have guy servant on the table geh? Nice for decoration and nice for act, but for eating a little bit weird loh!

wah, seems abit unhygienic leh... hahahaha..
lee chien, ya u r right, so i won eat but i will just sit and see... wahaha...
hahaha.. so if you or me found this sushi bar, we go together and see! hahahah..
If not mistaken, this sushi bar only at Japan, and malaysia not allow to have this "Nude" at public... except private event lo... hehe
lee chien,
yeah, when we found the sushi bar, we just sit there and have a cup of green tea lah... hahah...
ya, i think so that only in japan and malaysia will not allowed this in public, but i have few pic, the servant girls look like malay or asian leh, i think mayb in thailand or indonesia.
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