We aRe nEver tOO oLd oR Too YouNg tO seT AnotheR gOal Or tO drEam A nEw dReaM
Have you ever realize how do you peel off the banana skin before you eat? Today i just knew from my boss (Eric), Eric opens the different way where the usual way i open from. Was so funny and curious topic. I inquired all my colleagues about how are they open the banana, they open the same way as me. I always open from the top to bottom, but Eric opens from the bottom to top. He said what will we think the 1st when we see the banana and who will like banana the most? Answer is the monkey. So who is the smartest to open the banana? Eric said is monkey! Because monkeys will hold the head(top) and open from the bottom to top. Haiz...we are human lah...Eric! So, what about you? From the top or bottom?
very good topic! interesting~! hahaha.. say HI for me to Eric! cheers~! ;)
My dear..hope you can get a good result for your research! because really hard to find someone is open the banana from the bottom except for "Eric".Haha...
ur boss really funny guy, never heard pple or monkeys open from bottom! can monkey even open banana? wow i thought they eat it whole wif de skin too hehe...ok i agree with verine, i am a top man :)
very good topic! interesting~! hahaha.. say HI for me to Eric! cheers~! ;)
Giin, how do u open the banana? u haven tell me?
i open from the top, cos it's easier. bottom have no opening...
haha... i want to research! see who will open from the bottom. haha...:D
My dear..hope you can get a good result for your research! because really hard to find someone is open the banana from the bottom except for "Eric".Haha...
dear, u r right. so i want to know who will open from the bottom. haha...
from the top loh.
easier mah..
i dun eat banana, hahaha.. but this is cute, i didn't know monkey opens banana from bottom also.. hahaha..
lee chien... u have so many thing u don like to eat... good to know u more...:)
yeah, i'm very picky, hahaha...
i dun eat honeydew, kiwi, dragon fruit and etc, coz they're all soft (like mud) which make me feel geli, hahaha...
i always spoil the skin when i pluck the banana ....
so i open from sideway wan ... after open the skin nice nice .. like a cloth ... easier to make people fall down if i throw it on the street ... XD
i don open from bottom ... i aint monkey
ur boss really funny guy, never heard pple or monkeys open from bottom! can monkey even open banana? wow i thought they eat it whole wif de skin too hehe...ok i agree with verine, i am a top man :)
ah man
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