Blog Archive
- Limited edition Coca-Cola From Krakow Poland
- Sayonara Lough Gur Ireland - Grange Stone Circle P...
- I like this 007 collection
- Kindergarten mathematic 10 + 5 - 5 = ??
- Lough Gur Ireland - Bolin Island Crannog Part 2
- Feeling like bleeding in deep of my heart
- Lough Gur Ireland - The Spectacles Part1
- I would like to birng Jay Chou to Poland
- Shopping day - Part 7 Meet up with friends
- My new honey bunny
- Shopping day - Part 6 Halloween stuff
- Shopping day - Part 5 Sex shop
- Shopping day - Part 4 Top to foot
- Shopping day - Part 3 Imasa Boutique
- Shopping day - Part 2 Lunch
- Shopping day - Part 1 TK Maxx
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- Unbelievable BLUR of 12 mega pixel Nikon S700 digi...
- Crystal factory in Waterford - Ireland
- Happy 25 birthday - 1 day trip
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- Malaysia
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Limited edition Coca-Cola From Krakow Poland

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sayonara Lough Gur Ireland - Grange Stone Circle Part3

Big sister should stand up geh... What behind us:)
What kind of stone so proud? See just behind us loh...:)
I'm a strong girl, see i can push them away!
Far away from Tipp to here and see these stone loh...:(
I will miss you all... will meet you all in Malaysia:)
End of the small Lough Gur trip with my lovely cousin, That was the 1st time i felt happiness in Ireland, the feeling like i go back to school time, meet up with friend, hang out with friend... I'm really miss it... that all only can be my memory. So, i will treasure everything that I'm having in future and i will enjoy my life:)
Friday, October 24, 2008
I like this 007 collection

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Kindergarten mathematic 10 + 5 - 5 = ??
Until the time i on the way back, i only realise how big mistake I've taken. How stupid i was! I kept blame myself, how can i gave 323 euro and i get back 323 euro later? I paid 780 euro for the previous ticket which i bought few months ago, and i paid for everything 897 euro just now then i get back only 323 euro later. So, total amount i paid is 1677 euro and i get back only 323 euro back later, so for one ticket i spend 1354 euro and i consumed 780 euro. I realize what for i paid the cancellation? Why? I was panic whole night til this early morning, my friend ran to the center and explained to them, but they didn't understand til i explain to them with this formula : 10 + 5 - 5 = 10 then they only understood me! That was a huge mistake and they apologized to me in the end. Luckily, they return me 650 euro now. Total i loss for my previous ticket is just 457 euro, i still feeling cardiac pain, but is much better than that amount loh! This is really a good experience and big lesson. I wish the bad luck gone and good luck come to me soon:)
Lough Gur Ireland - Bolin Island Crannog Part 2

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feeling like bleeding in deep of my heart
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lough Gur Ireland - The Spectacles Part1
That was 2 months ago, i had a small trip with my cousin and her friends, whom came from England to Ireland. They planned to go Lough Gur for their second place to visit. Lough Gur, Loch Gair in Irish, is a lake in Country Limerick which just 2 hours from my place. The lake forms a horseshoes shape at the base of Knockadoon Hill and some rugged elevated countryside. It's one of Ireland's most important archaeological site. That was a raining day, wet and grey... but we seems enjoyed:) in fact there have nothing special, but kind of natural place like forest.

Horseshoes shape lakeLough Gur

The information centre Ladies washroom, i like this sign cute:)
Gentle washroom sign cute:)
Like forest Good for jogging
Walk carefully while raining, very slip:(
speech mark on the wall
I think there is a place to holed up something
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I would like to birng Jay Chou to Poland

Friday, October 17, 2008
Shopping day - Part 7 Meet up with friends

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Shopping day - Part 6 Halloween stuff
Pumpkin hat, 2 euro

Horrible mask, 2 euroOmg! 2 devils are fighting
Who's that? Will you wear it out? Scary:(
oops! A witch in the shop
1 Chinese witch ans 1 Polish witch
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Shopping day - Part 5 Sex shop
Haha... this is one of the sex organ shape lolly pop, 2.50 euro

Treat him a suck 1st... haha...