When i used to being in a partnership, especially some special day, even walking into a restaurant to meet friends on my own can be intimidating. I feel like everyone is looking at me and i feel so self-conscious it would be easier to hide away. Well, the good news is - no one cares! Everyone is far too busy feeling self-conscious themselves. But it's still difficult for me sometime. Actually today is my 25 birthday, and this is my 1st time celebrate birthday alone in oversea. Early in the morning, i went to another city called Waterford to visit the crystal factory there on my own i felt most peculiar. I ran in at the last minute before the bus move, without stopping for my usual chocolate chip and water. I sat in the middle last place and i ran out when all people go out from the bus. But during my way to Waterford? I forgot i was alone In fact, because i received plenty of wishes, called from my friend and busy taken some picture. I spent my time to having my meal alone, visited the crystal factory... It's was raining whole day but i was really happy, free, peaceful and enjoying my one day birthday trip. Actually there were lots of people in there on their own. I wasn't alone:) Happy 25 birthday to me!
Waiting for the bus (just wake up)

On the way to Waterford

Arrival Waterford city - grey - raining

Lunch time - started, main course and dessert

Waterford crystal factory
Thanks for the Present from Paulina
I hope you had a great birthday. Cool pics - I like the huge crystal clock! I haven't been to the Waterford Crystal factory but it looks great.
you're so enjoy............
envy! envy! envy!
david cawley,
u mean i look cool or those crsytal stuff? haha...
lee chien,
yup, 1st time leh in my life... really enjoy :) happy... no need to envy me, soon u will feel it...:)
You, of course ;)
At least if I get homesick I can read your Irish blog! I had to look up the song that plays on your blog (Kelly Chen). I hadn't heard it before but the from the first few lines of the song I thought it was an Irish singer!
i wish to, hehehe...
david cawley,
yeah! welcome to drop by to my blog anytime. i will visit ur blog often too, cos i m interesting to know how irish man speack madarin? may b i can help u abit. haha... do u like the song?
lee chien,
ur wish will come true! :)
Thanks - let me know if you see big mistakes that I make, it helps me :) The song is very catchy - nice choice.
happy belated birthday, sis....
i understand some of ur feeling... today is my bday.... left 22 hours and will be over.... :)
i think i can only spend it for sleep, class, and stay at home.... there's only 2 frens remembering my birthday..... i think the others has forgotten...... yesterday, i went to dinner that wasnt for me..... almost went to buy present with frens that wasnt for me also..... however, i'm still trying to make myself happier...
^_^ sha sha
lovely lynn,
happy be lated birthday my dear sis... why i din see u in frenster geh? tat i was really enjoying leh... without fren or family to celebrate but most of my fren remember my bday and send me wishes... dear sis... don be sad... i think u just din mention to them right... how can ur fren will forget ur bday gah... i think they r busy lately... i hope u happy... sometime alone also can be happy gah... :) smile:) cheer up my sis...:)
hi sis... sorry for late reply... these month very busy.... not bcoz of bday but bcoz of study, i didnt really sleep for few days dy...
i got bday notification in my frenster leh.... dunno y loh... but nvm.... thanks sis.... u gurls n guys let me realised who r more precious frens.... hehe....
every day is a new start sis.... be happy!!!
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