That was 2 months ago, i had a small trip with my cousin and her friends, whom came from England to Ireland. They planned to go Lough Gur for their second place to visit. Lough Gur, Loch Gair in Irish, is a lake in Country Limerick which just 2 hours from my place. The lake forms a horseshoes shape at the base of Knockadoon Hill and some rugged elevated countryside. It's one of Ireland's most important archaeological site. That was a raining day, wet and grey... but we seems enjoyed:) in fact there have nothing special, but kind of natural place like forest.
The map of Lough Gur 

Horseshoes shape lakeLough Gur
These are the foundation of a small farmstead which was built on this natural plat form about 900 AD. We 1st stepped to this part when we arrived. But seems there have nothing i can see loh... i enjoyed to see the map:( I though there have something special at further, we walked further and further but we found out there is the same place we walked from different way. Down:(

The information centre Ladies washroom, i like this sign cute:)
Gentle washroom sign cute:)
Like forest Good for jogging
Walk carefully while raining, very slip:(
speech mark on the wall
I think there is a place to holed up something
1 comment:
i like the information centre!! so cute..
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