3 weeks ago I've chosen a digital camera as my birthday present. I've been waiting for 3 weeks long, because it's send from England. Finally i received it today, i should be happy right? But I'm very disappointed of it. I was happy when i received it, but not last than 15 mins. It's very very poor resolution for such high resolution camera. It's omg, it's unbelievable how blur is that when I'm taking a picture. I think 3 mega pixel camera is better than this lousy 12 mega pixel camera. It's annoying me whole day... moody... sad... disappointed... panic... I'll not buy Nikon digital anymore! Friends... this is my advise please don buy Nikon digital camera. Please choose another brand instead of Nikon digital loh...:( I gotta send it back to England tomorrow! Sigh!
It looks like your camera is broken. I see 'Verine 08' on your photos! What a coincidence it knows your name :)
har... 12mp wor... not good de ah...
i think it got problem. it's unbelievable blur lens.
Lee chien,
im so sad lee chien, very very lousy til u cant imagize!
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