Look around your house, and look out from your bedroom's window, i bet that there are beautiful flowers and bird being played out right now, there are a good environment for bed time. When i first moved to here to work 7 months ago, i encountered a place where cost me insomnious, because my flat is facing main road, there have plenty of cars driving through everyday, every minute and every a second. I had serious insomnia 2 months previously, it's been taken a long time to find a solution to my sleeping problem. Finally i got the ear plug from Paulina, it's really helpfulness. The ear plug functions as a medicine of my sleeping, well... it also helps when someone windy you and annoying you, just plug into your ear. I think it's helpful so:) haha...
It's just a cottonMethod acting
The room has a displeasing outlook
Thanks for Paulina given me the helpful ear plug
Dear..why you move to new place? you didnt work there ma?
dear, i don move lah... same place. just show it now:) haha...
oh.. quite okay de!! just very noisy lor, rite?
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